Social network icons. Unlimited colors.
multiple sizes and styles.

  • Unlimited colors as a default color and specific on-mouse colors.
  • 5 different sizes. Small, medium, large, x-large and xx-large.
  • 3 different styles. Rounded, Circle and plain.
#list-style-6633c17c90f5f ul li:before { font-family:Icomoon; content: "\\00c"; color:#00b89a }

Social icons – Circle style

#social-networks-6633c17c910ed a i{ color:#575757; } #social-networks-6633c17c910ed a:hover i{ color:#eee; }
#social-networks-6633c17c911d5 a i{ color:#7a7a7a; } #social-networks-6633c17c911d5 a:hover i{ color:#eee; }
#social-networks-6633c17c9129f a i{ color:#999999; } #social-networks-6633c17c9129f a:hover i{ color:#eee; }
#social-networks-6633c17c91362 a i{ color:#aaaaaa; } #social-networks-6633c17c91362 a:hover i{ color:#eee; }

Social icons – Rounded style

#social-networks-6633c17c91484 a i{ color:#575757; } #social-networks-6633c17c91484 a:hover i{ color:#eee; }
#social-networks-6633c17c91547 a i{ color:#7a7a7a; } #social-networks-6633c17c91547 a:hover i{ color:#eee; }
#social-networks-6633c17c91617 a i{ color:#999999; } #social-networks-6633c17c91617 a:hover i{ color:#eee; }
#social-networks-6633c17c916da a i{ color:#aaaaaa; } #social-networks-6633c17c916da a:hover i{ color:#eee; }

Social icons – No style

#social-networks-6633c17c917f9 a i{ color:#575757; } #social-networks-6633c17c917f9 a:hover i{ color:#eee; }
#social-networks-6633c17c918b9 a i{ color:#7a7a7a; } #social-networks-6633c17c918b9 a:hover i{ color:#eee; }
#social-networks-6633c17c91975 a i{ color:#999999; } #social-networks-6633c17c91975 a:hover i{ color:#eee; }
#social-networks-6633c17c91a2e a i{ color:#aaaaaa; } #social-networks-6633c17c91a2e a:hover i{ color:#eee; }

Social Icons on dark background

#social-networks-6633c17c91d91 a i{ color:#ffffff; } #social-networks-6633c17c91d91 a:hover i{ color:#eee; }
#social-networks-6633c17c91e33 a i{ color:#ffffff; } #social-networks-6633c17c91e33 a:hover i{ color:#eee; }
#mk-custom-box-6633c17c91bf6 { min-height:100px; padding:20px 20px; background-image:url(; background-attachment:scroll; background-repeat:repeat; background-color:#f6f6f6; background-position:center center; margin-bottom:10px; border:1px solid #eaeaea; } #mk-custom-box-6633c17c91bf6 .mk-fancy-title.pattern-style span{ background-color: #f6f6f6 !important; }

Unlimited colors

There is no limit for colors! You can assign any desired color value to social icons.

#box-icon-6633c17c92107 p{color:#404b57;}#box-icon-6633c17c92107 h4 {color:#ffffff!important;}

Multiple sizes

Thanks to vector icons you can rescale icons from tiny to very large size. You can also adjust distances between icons.

#box-icon-6633c17c921cc p{color:#404b57;}#box-icon-6633c17c921cc h4 {color:#ffffff!important;}

Multiple styles

To bring you more customizability we have included 3 styles for social icons. Rounded, circle and plain version.

#box-icon-6633c17c92287 p{color:#404b57;}#box-icon-6633c17c92287 h4 {color:#ffffff!important;}
.full-width-6633c17c91fc5 { min-height:100px; padding:50px 0 50px; margin-bottom:0px; background-color:#00b89a; border:1px solid #00b89a;border-left:none;border-right:none; } #background-layer--6633c17c91fc5 { background-position:left top; background-repeat:repeat; ; } .full-width-6633c17c91fc5 .mk-fancy-title.pattern-style span, .full-width-6633c17c91fc5 .mk-blog-view-all { background-color: #00b89a !important; }